Monday, February 28, 2011

A Raisin in the Sun

So obviously we studied the poem "A Dream Deferred" earlier this year. I really liked the poem because I understood it on my own (yay me!) and it made a lot of sense to me. I think the connection Hansberry made with this poem and the overall theme of her play is perfect. I believe the overall theme of this play was that everyone had a dream. Mama and Ruth wanted the family to be happy in a nice and bigger home (good luck on that one) Beneatha wanted to finish medical school, and Walter (idiot) wanted to open up a liquor store (yeah.. real ambitious fellow). (All of this info is revealed througout the play- mostly between pages 36- 42) Anyhow, the family only had $10,000 to spare on the so-called dream. Walter, being the brilliant and selfless kind of guy he is used a bunch of that money to open a liquor store. He was tricked which put his family in quite the pickle. However, even though so many negative things took place throughout the play, I honestly believe that things will get better for the Youngers. The theme of the poem is that when you don't reach for your dreams you regret it for the rest of your life. Well, even though it really wasn't a success, the Youngers took a chance. Now they are moving into a new neighborhood with a baby on the way!

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