Friday, July 9, 2010


Though it was funny in a way, I still thought chapter 20, Ghost Soldiers, was sort of creul. This time O'Brien depicts himself as revenge seeking pyscho. In this chapter O'Brien seeks revenge on Jorgenson for failing to help him properly after being shot. He sets up a detailled prank along with his friend Azar in order to scare Jorgenson. O'Brien admits completely that it was wrong- he even admits to having second thoughts about the whole idea. But he had the motivation- which caused him to make his move. "In the end, all i felt was that coldness down inside my chest. Number one: the guy had almost killed me. Number two: there had to be consequences" (pg 191). The motivation behind his plan was that Jorgenson had failed him in his time of need. Although Jorgenson may have deserved some sort of retaliation or anger from O'Brien, I really thought what O'Brien and Azar did was over the top.

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