Wednesday, July 7, 2010


As I started reading this book I was sort of confused. The novel starts out giving details about Lieutenant Jimmy Cross and his unrequited love for a woman named Martha. As I kept reading I was slowly introduced to more characters all of whom appear countless times throughout the book. On page 6 however, i was shocked with the description Kiowa gives of the death of their friend Ted Lavender. "Kiowa, who saw it happen, said it was like watching a rock fall, or a big sandbag or something- just boom, and then down- not like the movies where the dead guy rolls around and does fancy spins and goes ass over teakettle- not like tha, Kiowa said, the poor bastard just flat-fuck fell. Boom." That specific passage stuck with me not only because of the similie used to describe how Lavender fell, but also because it shows the reader how the men reacted to the death of a friend. Kiowa seemed almost shocked- but by the end of the story the soldiers have become desensitzed. O'Brien later describes how they carried countless bodies or how they shook hands with others. In conclusion, I had barely started reading when i noticed a similie that really stuck with me because of the image that it left in my mind.

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