Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This story was long and boring about a job that seems extremely long and boring. Coincidence? I think not. Alright, so this story was about 4 main characters (and of course the narrator who is the boss guy at this office). (This sort of answers Q1 ) Nippers, Turkey, and Ginger-Nut are all introduced first. In fact, Bartleby really doesn't enter the story until about paragraph 15. I think that the author did this for a few reasons. First of all, Bartleby is new to the business and the others have been at the office longer than he. Secondly, because the story is named Bartleby and focuses on Bartleby, I think this was a good was to separate him from the other characters. Alright, so not only did the length of this so called "short story" bother me, but also the repetition of the phrase "I would prefer not". Just say no. In addition to "i would prefer not" Bartleby also says "I am not particular". This kind of reminds me of something you say just to be nice although you don't really mean it. For example, around paragraph 200 the boss is talking to Bartleby and explaining that there needs to be a change and that he may need to find a new job. Bartleby, in his annoying way, says that he would prefer not to make a change although he is not particular. I can just tell that the way he said it made it perfectly clear that he was particular and he was only saying that to sound more considerate.

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