Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sorting Laundry

I liked this poem because it was very simple. At first, reading it I thought Really? someone wrote a whole poem about laundry? But after reading the whole thing it really kind of made sense to me. There were two stanzas that I felt stood out; lines 25-27 and lines 49-51. I liked lines 25-27 because I can relate to what the speaker is saying. "And what's shrunk is tough to discard even for Goodwill." It's funny because no matter how old or small something is, if it holds some sort of emotional value to us we are reluctant to give it away. I thought this was the speakers way of relating her love to her clothes/ laundry. She does this again in the final stanza where she says "a mountain of unsorted wash could not fill the empty side of the bed." Basically, what i understood from this poem was that every little thing reminded this woman of her lover. Something as simple as doing the laundry was difficult to do without thinking about the hopes and dreams and memories they shared. She describes how every article of clothing reminds her of her love- from the towels they bought together to take to the beach, or the sheets they used to cover their bed.

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