Thursday, April 21, 2011

Frankenstein: Elizabeth

"I will be with you on your wedding night." pg 139
Thus far, Victor has expressed the immense amount of regret and stress that the monster has put upon him. The monster demands that Victor create a female creature so that he may also have someone to love and care for- just as humans do. Victor at first complies with this request. However, after awhile he begins to reconsider. The only concern Victor has is that of his dear cousin Elizabeth. Victor knows that she is likely to be the monster's next victim. However, he is not sure whether or not prolonging their marriage will change her fate. By now I believe that the monster will kill Elizabeth before the conclusion of the story. In her letter to Victor, Elizabeth expresses her sincere love for him. However, she informs Victor that if he does not feel the same way she does not want him to feel obligated to marry her because their arrangements had been made by their parents years before. I really did not think this story was scary at all. However, the scene in which the monster creeps up on Victor in his hut was pretty freaky. I think the scariest component of this whole story is the fear and uncertainty that Victor lives in. It would be agonizing to be unsure of the condition of someone you love especially to think that their life was in danger because of you.

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