Friday, August 13, 2010


pg 198 "I just couldnt stand it about Brett. I've been through hell, Jake." this point in the story is when i belive Cohn finally has an epiphany. He has fought two meninan attempt to defend his love for Brett yet she detests him more than ever. Cohn is reduced to tears because he realizes she will never love him. Cohn finally stops following Brett around and moves on. I think it is kind of sad how throughout the novel he follows her around like a lost puppy and she does not give him the time of day. It seems like Cohn should have had this epiphany much earlier in the story- maybe even before the story begins. After all, since she was "with Cohn" Brett shows interest in Jake and Mike. In addition to the two of them, there is a point in the book where Mike mentions that Brett has slept with plenty of better men. Which makes me wonder why Cohn held on for so long? But then again, Jake is still in love with Brett as well. Anyways, im glad Cohn finally has an epiphany- hopefully he will move on from Brett completely and gain some respect for himself.

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