Friday, August 13, 2010


pg 226 "We watched the beginning of the evening of the last night of the fiesta. The absinthe made everything seem better. I drank it without sugar in the dripping glass, and it was pleasantly bitter." & "You wouldnt believe it. It's like a wondergul nightmare." I think this page contains several examples of paradox. The first..obvious enouhgto understand simply refers to their last night of the fiesta. This example sort of reminds me of the statement "last first day of school"(which will be monday! yay!) it seems like it doesnt really make sense, but if you think about it, it does. Next is the phrase pleasantly bitter. Im not really sure how something could be pleasantly bitter, but that is how Jake describes his ,drink. Finally the last paradox i found on this page describes the overall trip as a wonderful nightmare. As they reflect upon their time in Spain it seems fitting Hemingway described it as a wonderful nightmare. A lot of things took place during their stay in Spain- some good and some bad. Although a lot of bad things happened, they had the time of their life in the end.

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