Friday, August 13, 2010

Unrequited love

pg 243 "Send a girl off with one man. Introduce her to another to go off with him. Now go and bring her back. And sign the wire with love." So i know Cohn did not truly mean what he said when he accused Jake of being a pimp. But here it almost sounds like that Jake is admitting to being one though it is not his fault at all for the way Brett behaved. I really did not like Bretts character for this reason. She seems like a tease. She goes from one man to the next unwilling to commit to any of them. And yet men are still attracted to her. In the story Jake, Cohn, Romero, and Mike all have deep feelings for her, but one by one she plays them all. It seems like this moment in the book is sort of like Jake's epiphany. He realizes that Brett will never settle down with one man, and yet he loves her anyways. What i think is really interesting about this is that I read Hemingway wrote this story based off of one of his own travels. If that is true, i cant help but to wonder if Brett was based off of a woman he loved whom treated him poorly.

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